
Today I’m please to share Rannoch’s beautiful birth story with you, Gemma and Gareth came to a group HypnoBirthing course late last year. Rannoch’s birth was such a calm and positive experience. I love to hear back after a wee one’s arrival, it’s so wonderful to hear what an impact HypnoBirthing can have. Well done to Gemma, and to Gareth too for being such a supportive birth partner.


Rannoch was born on 9/1/17, weighing 9lb4oz.

I started to have mild, sporadic surges on Friday 6th. By Sunday morning they were becoming slightly stronger and longer in duration. The frequency increased too. I continued walking a lot, having baths and using a hot water bottle on my lower back.

By Sunday evening I was having more frequent surges and we called my parents at around 6:30 pm. They arrived at 8:30.

By 11:30pm the surges were picking up in frequency and duration. I phoned AMH and they suggested I take paracetamol (I didn’t!) and phone if things picked up. I put on the HypnoBirthing affirmations and relaxation and rested, although the surges were strong enough that I couldn’t sleep. 

At 5:00 I phoned AMH again and they said it was up to me if I came in but there was the likelihood I would be sent home.

We went in to hospital and agreed to an examination (although not the sweep I was given) and I was 4-5cm open. I walked around for a few minutes but decided to go back to the room.

At 6:15 we set up and put on the relaxation and music.

Around 7am was the shift change. I was monitored during labour a lot more than I expected but just tried to relax and ignore it actually, as I didn’t feel like asking them to stop.

About 9 am I was showing signs of dehydration and ketones in my urine. I was urged to eat and drink more. I forced down some Haribo and a cereal bar and continued to drink water and Sports drinks.

At 9:40 as well as the usual checks there was an examination. 6-7cm open and waters bulging and thin. Baby’s position was checked. 

I continued to use breathing and relaxation. I also continued to walk to the toilet when needed and was still in my tracksuit.

At 10:50 I vomited a lot!

By 11:45 I was considering gas and air. Although I had previously decided against it, Gareth and I sat with the midwives and discussed the idea of having my waters broken, asking about the risks etc.

At 12 I decided to use gas and air as my surges had become very strong, long and frequent. My waters were broken at 12:15.

By 12:25 I was 9 cm and the baby’s heartbeat was strong. I felt the urge to breathe my baby down. I lost control momentarily, but Gareth helped me to regain focus and change position and I managed to use birth breathing to get the baby to crowning. After ‘pushing’ during my previous birth, this was amazing!

I touched the baby’s head and this spurred me on to continue with the birth breathing. Rannoch was born at 12:43pm. He did need taken away to assist with breathing, but I was completely calm as I had heard him make a noise and I was feeling really positive. The staff were excellent this time at keeping us informed and he was back in a couple of minutes.
I decided to have the injection to deliver the placenta immediately, although I had thought I would wait a while first.

I had skin to skin contact, as did Gareth and was then stitched.

The midwives commented on how calm Gareth and I were throughout. I’m so glad we did Hypnobirthing!



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