
After giving birth to my first daughter by induction, which ended in a cloudy memory of stirrups, episiotomy and pain (which continued after birth and through a traumatic breastfeeding journey) I was determined to have a far more positive and, more importantly, informed 2nd birth.

I decided early on I wanted a natural home birth, so I could remember the birth clearly and have my family (including my 8year old daughter) present. My sister suggested hypnobirthing. Not knowing much about it I bought the book and after reading half the book I knew this was what I wanted. Jade was amazing. We were able to have the sessions at our home, so my daughter could be present (even though she found the whole topic yucky at this stage). Hypnobirthing was more for me than just pain management. I wanted my partner to be as involved as much as possible, as sometimes I feel fathers are forgotten about in pregnancy and birth, it is their birth journey also. I also wanted to find my voice! In my 1st birth I feel I was naïve and accepted advice/recommendations without question, believing the professional knew best. I was induced with my 1st daughter at term +12 and feel if I was left she would have come naturally and possibly with less trauma. I did not want to be induced again and the positive confidence hypnobirthing practices was invaluable to me.

Now onto my birth story. On Saturday 18th November about 8.30pm I started to have tightening and small cramps. They continued overnight while I breathed through them. I woke my partner at 4.30am as they started getting stronger. It was soooo exciting. We looked at each other and said “we’re going to have a baby!” Terribly slushy. The cramps however stopped about 10am, which was frustrating. I stayed positive, went for a walk, bounced on the ball but that did nothing. My parents took my daughter out for the afternoon and my partner and I had a lie down. After a short snooze we tried nipple stimulation. In the positive birthing book they talk about your partner being the guardian of your oxytocin. This I completely agree with as surges began and my waters broke (luckily when I went to the toilet) at about 2pm. After that things progressed quite quickly. We called the midwives (Susan and Maureen) who arrived about an hour later. I used the birthing ball, breathing through the surges as my mother timed them. My daughter was amazing holding my hand and doing her version of light touch, this again kept my oxytocin levels high, it was great!

My partner and father started filling the birthing pool. When the midwives arrived (the 2nd midwife came at the same time as she was about to finish her shift and lived in Stonehaven) my partner asked them to read our birth plan. The birth plan for me was so important I did a picture one and a written one. Writing this really allowed me to gather my thoughts and know exactly what I wanted from the birth. They asked if I wanted an internal exam, I declined and then I was in the pool. Not once did the midwives question my decisions or ask why, they were very supportive and understanding from the moment they arrived.

The water was instantly calming and soothing. My partner had put all my candles (I had gathered a few through my practicing) around the pool. I had lavender scents and my chosen printed affirmations at eye-line and of courses rainbow relaxations/affirmations cd on repeat. I was in the zone breathing through each surge calmly, so much so the midwife could not tell when I had a surge. I found it really good to visualise my green balloon with each surge it really helped me focus and stay relaxed. Susan did minimal monitoring of myself and baby, this was never intrusive and I was able to stay relaxed and focused throughout. Probably about 5pm things started to build. The surges started to gain more pressure and I moved for the first time from a lying position to a kneeling position beside the pool. This was a involuntary move it was like my body knew what it wanted/needed. The surges became very forceful and I became, as my partner describes, tribal. I like to think I harnessed my inner tiger! I roared! Moving from surge to J breathing was harder than I imagined but with the prompts from my partner, who was with me the whole time prompting and supporting (I would not have been able to do it without him) and once from the midwife (Susan), she said “don’t be scared” this was the focus I needed.

After 4 or 5 big surges transition hit, I could feel the baby coming down the birth canal. The pressure was intense and on the last surge I said I didn’t think I could do it but then the baby just came. My little girl did not hesitate she came out in one go surprising everyone. Natural expulsion is real I never pushed I simply breathed her down and out she slid. The relief was amazing and having her in my arms was the best present after the best party.

We stayed in the pool for almost an hour. Waiting to cut the cord till we were ready. This was wonderful. My partner and daughter were there the whole time and that hour of bonding flew by. Baby searched for breast in this hour it was amazing to see her snuggling and moving to find it.

The placenta came out after 45min or so, I never left the pool. We were able to look at the placenta before it was tidied away. I am very impressed by this amazing organ created only for the baby to grow and thrive.

When I came out of the pool the midwives remained as calm and patience. They never rushed us, allowed us to have the time as a family. I feel incredibly lucky to have been able to get my perfect birth. It was better than I could have imagined and it will be a positive story I will tell everyone who wishes to listen.

Thank you again to Jade who introduced us to Hypnobirthing. Without her support and positivity I would not have found the courage and my voice to have the birth I wanted.


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