
So, you’ve been feeling a little off lately, and you’re starting to wonder if there’s something more to it than a tummy bug, or life being exhausting. Maybe you’ve noticed that your energy levels are almost non existent, or that your stomach seems to be in revolt against anything and everything you eat. Or maybe your boobs are feeling a little more sensitive than usual, and you’re starting to suspect that something’s up.

Well, my friend, there is a chance that you might just be growing a tiny human in there. I remember trying to conceive and being on alert for any sign of pregnancy each month, searching for every possible sign!

Here are some early signs of pregnancy to keep an eye out for:

  1. Fatigue: If you’re feeling like you could sleep for a week, even though you’ve been logging a full eight hours a night, it might be a sign that your body is working overtime to grow a baby.
  2. Nausea and vomiting: I’m sure you’ve heard of this one, whether you’re calling it morning sickness or all-day sickness, if you’re feeling queasy or full on throwing up, it might be time to pee on a stick and see what’s going on.
  3. Breast changes: Have your boobs been feeling rather sensitive? Soreness, tenderness, and changes in size and shape can all be signs that your body is gearing up for a new arrival.
  4. Cravings or aversions: Suddenly, you can’t get enough pickles and ice cream (or the thought of pickles and ice cream is making you gag)? That could be a sign that your body is telling you what it needs to grow a healthy baby. (You can read more about pregnancy cravings in our Pickles and Ice Cream post)
  5. Mood swings: Have you been crying at the drop of a hat (this was my first real pregnancy sign, crying in the shower for no apparent reason!), or snapping at your partner? Hormones are no joke, and they can do a number on your emotions.
  6. Spotting: Seeing some light spotting? It might be implantation bleeding, which can happen when the fertilised egg is settling in for the long haul.
  7. Frequent urination: If you’re suddenly running to the bathroom every five minutes, it might be because your bladder is getting crowded by your expanding uterus.

Of course, these early signs of pregnancy aren’t fool proof, and there are plenty of other things that can cause these symptoms. But if you’re suspecting that you might be pregnant, it’s always a good idea to take a pregnancy test and see what’s going on.

If you are pregnant, congratulations! You’re in for a wild ride, full of joy, exhaustion, and probably a few moments of pure terror. But don’t worry, you’ve got this, you can sign up for our pregnancy weekly updates from the moment you find out.

And if you’re not pregnant, and you’ve been trying, I definitely feel your frustration, it took us almost a year to get pregnant first time (I know others have longer journeys) but I remember searching for every sign and being on high alert for them in the hope it would happen. It’s rather an emotional rollercoaster, so I wanted to send you some virtual love and support. If you’re finding this time stressful you can book a free initial consultation with me and I can teach you some tools and techniques to keep anxiety at bay during this time.

If you’re pregnant what were your first pregnancy signs?