Iona’s Story

Iona’s Story

We have a gorgeous story to share with you from one of Georgina’s client’s today. A positive Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Midwife Lead Unit Hypnobirthing Birth Story. Iona attended Georgina;s October group courses and used the techniques of Hypnobirthing and...
Alison’s Story

Alison’s Story

It’s been a few weeks since I gave birth to my second child, Annabelle. From around 34 weeks I was told she was head down and having had a c-section with my son, Angus, because he was breech, I was delighted that I was going to be able to give birth naturally using...
Yulia’s Story

Yulia’s Story

My birth story started well before my second pregnancy. After I gave birth to my first child lying on my back with epidural on, purple face pushing and bad tearing, feeling hopeless and clueless and having to go through many months of painful postpartum recovery, I...