Private Midwives and Scans in Aberdeenshire

Private Midwives and Scans in Aberdeenshire

We have some wonderful NHS services in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire and some very dedicated midwives. Sometimes ladies want to use additional services though such as gender scans or private midwives for continuity of care.   Scanning Services Baby Bond in Aberdeen...
Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Doulas

Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire Doulas

Doulas are trained to support you during pregnancy, birth and some work post-natally too. A birth doula will meet with you before birth to get to know you and discuss your birth preferences with you. They then support you during your labour, providing that important...
Complementary Therapies

Complementary Therapies

There are lots of lovely complementary therapists locally, complementary therapists can be a great support during pregnancy. Please be sure to check the therapist has adequate training and is trained to work with pregnant women. If you’re unsure of a treatment...