
We have a gorgeous story to share with you from one of Georgina’s client’s today. A positive Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Midwife Lead Unit Hypnobirthing Birth Story.

Iona attended Georgina;s October group courses and used the techniques of Hypnobirthing and her own power to have a positive, incredible, relaxing 1st birth.

Welcome Ayla and your new family.

At 40+1 weeks my midwife started the usual chat about inductions and scans etc, by my own date calculations I wasn’t quite 40 weeks so I insisted that induction was booked at furthest possible date. In my mind I was determined this baby would come before this date.

At 40+5 I was feeling so uncomfortable, like literally there was no space for baby to go. I had been feeling really hungry all day so had been grazing on and off and spent as much time on my birthing ball thinking I could bounce this baby out!

I went to bed at around 11.30pm giving baby a stern talking to about hurrying up before subjecting my poor other half to some tremendous pregnancy snoring leaving him to move to the spare room having to work the next day. At 1.30am I woke feeling twinges, thinking it could be Braxton hicks so I ignored them. However, they carried on and were getting stronger. I decided to take paracetamol at 3am thinking that it might be good to get some sleep as lots of people had said that early labour could go on for some time.

That plan didn’t really work as surges kept coming. I decided to manage with the tens machine using my hypnobirthing breathing and listening to my affirmations.

At 5am I went through to wake my other half. As I sent him for a shower and breakfast I called the MLU who suggested we come in as surges were 3mins apart. I had hoped to try the birth pool but knew that by electing to give birth at AMU I risked the pool being in use or being forced to deliver in the labour ward. Sadly the birth pool was occupied when we arrived at 6am but at least we were in the MLU.

The midwives were lovely and took time to familiarise with our birth plan and wishes. They allowed us to make the room our space. I opted for an examination to establish progress so I knew for myself where we were and what I had ahead. I was 7cm and felt quite happy with this but said I didn’t want any further examinations. We had a midwife change over but the next midwife and student came in briefed as to where we were and kept our environment calm.

My waters went around 8am. I requested Entonox as the surges ramped up and continued best I could with surge breathing. The midwife was great at helping suggest different positions to help improve comfort.

The midwife continued to say to breathe through surges and hold off pushing. But I knew that baby was on it’s way and said to the midwife that I was going to push. The fight to push rather than breathe was too much and my body was sure so the midwife encouraged me to do what I felt was right.

I found the birth breathing really helped through the next stage of labour. My affirmations went through my head keeping me feeling in control and centering my mind through each surge. My partner also utilised some of the techniques to help keep me calm as the surges intensified and I can vividly remember being grounded by him at these moments.

I knew that the end was close and the baby was sitting just there but I was struggling to get the head out. The midwife was finding it hard with the position I was in to try to get a heart rate of baby due to where it was sitting in my pelvis and the frequency of my surges.

The midwife discussed with me and my partner after an hour of no further progress that perhaps an episiotomy might be required. She really explained options to us so we could use the BRAIN analogy to make a decision. I was very averse to intervention but I felt in my body that something did need to be done to get us over the edge.
I decided the episiotomy was the correct thing to do at the stage we were at.

The Midwives reacted immediately and I had them all around me to ensure it was done correctly and quickly. Immediately as the cut was made our baby girl made her entrance at 11.37am weighing 8lb 2.5oz. It was sheer elation and immediate relief, I knew that the episiotomy was the correct decision.

We opted for delayed cord clamping and during this the midwife discussed the injection to deliver the placenta. She knew my wishes were to deliver it naturally but due to the requirement for stitches they felt, and I agreed, it would be better for the injection to prevent further bleeding.

Through out I was given golden skin on skin time with my baby and the midwife gave me as much time as we required in the room, even letting my mum in to join us.

My temperature spiked (which I knew was just because the room was roasting) and despite the Midwives trying to blow a fan on me to cool down and use cold compresses so I could be discharged, I was admitted to the Ashgrove ward for a night.

I cannot fault the care we were given throughout and after my birth. I felt listened to and respected at all times. And even though things didn’t quite go to the ‘perfect’ plan I still felt that I had an incredibly positive birth experience as I had gone in feeling prepared for any eventuality and relaxed that I could deal with whatever turn my birth took.

I definitely think my hypnobirthing attributed to my calm birth and now very calm baby.


Thank you Iona for sharing your story with us!

If you’re interested in joining our Hypnobirthing classes, click here to see what’s currently available for booking.


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